My Academic Projects
During my university years, I submitted countless projects. Here the most significant of them are demonstrated.
Climate Change Impacts on the Mississippi Lake thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen using CE-Qual-W2 model
I started working on my master’s thesis in October 2019. Mississippi Lake is located in Lanark County in Ontario, Canada. Conducting this survey opened new doors to a whole new field in my research interests. As the climate change phenomenon directly affects the atmospheric variables and as a result, water bodies' qualitative and quantitative characteristics change indirectly. Since providing water is one of the essential requirements for human lives, predicting the future effects of climate change on these valuable national resources is necessary for providing scientific solutions for probable future environmental problems. The goal of this research is to project the effects of climate change on the Mississippi Lake thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen by using Can-ESM2 climate model under three emission scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 in a twenty-year period from 2081 to 2100. As the spatial scale of climate scenarios produced from coarse resolution GCMs outputs is inadequate for regional and local applications. Large-scale climatic variables are projected to a finer resolution station-scale variable. Thornthwaite model is used to estimate the general components of monthly mass balance in the future period by monthly downscaled temperature and precipitation as inputs. Upon estimation of the correlation between seasonal model runoff and observative inflow from 2002 to 2018, daily inflows for future scenarios are computed. After developing the lake bathymetry by two-dimensional model CE-QUAL-W2, following calibration, and validation processes for 2017 and 2018, the structure of the calibrated model is applied over future scenarios.
Isfahan water distribution network system
It was an academic teamwork project as a part of Water and Wastewater Distribution Network Design course under the supervision of Dr. ‪Mohammad Delnavaz submitted in June 2018. In this project we designed a water distribution network system in Isfahan used WaterGEMS software under three scenarios, including maximum, minimum, and fire flows.

Isfahan water treatment and Ahvaz wastewater treatment design
It was an academic teamwork project as a part of Wastewater Treatment Plants Design and Engineering course under the supervision of Dr. ‪Mohammad Delnavaz submitted in June 2018. We designed a sustainable sanitation treatment system in Ahvaz and a water treatment system in Isfahan both located in Iran.

It was an academic project in the Groundwater course under the supervision of Dr. Ataollah Ghabraie in May 2017. It was presented and discussed about this topic in the class. The lowering of groundwater levels can cause a loss of support for the soft material in the rock spaces that can lead to collapse. This geological phenomenon, sinkhole, can also be used as a suitable place in which to dump municipal trash.
It was my first environmental and academic project with one of my classmates (Pardis Malekzadeh) in the Environmental Engineering course under the supervision of Dr. Payam Zanganeh Ranjbar in December 2014. It was presented in the class and we spent some time debating over the context. The striking point which stuck in my mind was Super Tree in heavily polluted Lima, Peru. The Super Tree can purify up to 200,000 cubic meters of air per day, approximately what six trees would accomplish.